Districting with LIZARD

Districting with LIZARD

Within the scope of the project "New Models, Algorithms, And Applications For Territory Design" we developed the C++ library of algorithms “LIZARD” (LIbrary of optimiZation AlgoRithms for Districting) to solve districting problems. In addition to the various solution algorithms, the library also contains a graphical frontend that is based on the library GTKMM. The source code (GPLv3) of our library can be found here. There, you can also find a zip file that contains a Windows executable, all runtime libraries required for GTKMM, and some exemplary problem instances.

This project was supported by grant NI 521/6-1 of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The current version is LIZARD 3.0 BETA and available as download (with source code as well), please click here.

LIZARD can be tested without installation as web application here.